Hi there,
Well I shall introduce myself, because it would be rude just to post comments or open topics without you guys ( and girls?) knowing who I am.
So here we go:
I am Niek Hofman. I am 31 years old and I am a Dutch guy.
Since the age of 8 I wanted to keep reptiles and caught( and released) the reptiles near my home and on vacation. But my parents said I was to young so I had to wait and keep asking for it till I was 12.
By then my parents had enough of my irritating them and they went to a shop near by with me to get my first snake.. This was a gartersnake.. From that day on I was hooked for ever. I´ve kept many different species and bred with only a couple of them. Nowdays I am keeping venomous snakes , a couple of colubrides, a monitor, some iguana´s , bearded dragons, and Testudo´s.
For the venomous animals, I am more drawn to the Elapidae then other genera. But have kept all genera.
My collection of hots is not that big anymore because work is consuming most of my time.
I keep: 2.1 Naja nigricollis
0.1 Naja pallida
1.1 Bitis rhinoceros.
Next year I´ll be adding Acanthophis rugosus. And am looking for some more smaller and less time consuming hots.
Then I have some Pantherophis guttattus..or actually they are from my girlfriend but I feed them.
And my latest addition is a adult Philothamnes ssp. , I took it home last show in Houten before a father gave it to his 12 year old son
. What sex it is will be known after some time cause I don´t want to stress him/her to much.
The monitor is a sub adult bosc monitor. Varanus exanthematicus.
Well that´s what I have these days..
Other things I love are:
music: from ska to metal, death metal, rock ..as long as it isn´t computer made music.
playing drums: I have a digital kit , I play every day , helps me to relax after a long day of work.
I guess that´s it ...Hope to learn some things here that I didn´t know. Or to meet some people who have some special snakes that they breed.. and just to have fun.
Cheers niek